
Taste of Life, Experiences and Reviews

Oldest and most popular brands of nicotine pouches

To smokers who wish to quit smoking, nicotine pouches are very popular. It is widely used in Nicotine Replacement Therapy, a medically-approved way to take nicotine by means other than tobacco. NRT has been proven to increase the chance of quitting smoking or stopping chewing tobacco by about 55%.

Nicotine pouches are white pre-portioned pouches containing nicotine but are definitely tobacco-free, whichis why it is used as an alternative to smoking. It is put between the upper lip and gum, and leaves it there whilethe nicotine and taste is being released. When finished, the pouch is disposed of in the trash. Let’s take a look at the most popular and oldest nicotine pouches brands and companies that are still present today.


Nordic is a popular brand in Sweden as well as in the United Kingdom. Its line of products is manufactured by Nordic Snus AB, an old factory in Vårgårda, Sweden whose history dates back to 1432.

Their suppliers which mainly come from Brazil, Serbia, India, and Argentina have been chosen with a priority of ensuring that Nordic spirit pouches meet the highest quality standards for the buyer.


Ettan was founded in 1822. In the Swedish language, it can be translated into a way of saying “the first.” Its recipe was created by Mr. Jacob Fredrik Ljunglöf, a Swedish businessman. When he dies in 1860, he become one of the richest men in Sweden.


Lundgrens is manufactured by the company Fiedler and Lundgren which was founded in 1835. In 1915, Fiedler & Lundgren moved their production to Denmark. After 88 years, in 2002, the company moved back to Sweden. Now Fiedler and Lundgren employ nearly one hundred workers and is the second largest company of its kind in Sweden.


Shiro is produced by AG Snus, a subsidiary of Assens Tobaksfabrik. The company has been around since 1864. Shiro is a Swedish product which is manufactured in a hygienic environment and follows the standards set by the Swedish Food Act.

Shiro comes in different flavors from peppermint to caramel. This will make your experience using the products even more amazing, allowing you to savor the taste in your mouth alongside the awesome effects.


General which was first established in 1866, is one of the top-rated brands in the United States and the United Kingdom due to its rich brand history. It is the most sold variety in the entire U.S as well as in the United Kingdom.


Zyn is owned by Swedish Match, an organization founded in Sweden in 1915. This is the brand for people who are looking for a discreet nicotine pouch that they can use anytime and anywhere. The brand has barely-visible white pouches in a wide array of fresh flavours that come in a range of different strengths. They use years of experience to oversee ten different brands, meaning that they’ve had the time to fine-tune their products and give their customers just what they want.


Lyft is owned by British American Tobacco, a multinational company that was established in 1902. It is headquartered in London, England and has operations in around 180 countries. Lyft is sold in the UK and Sweden and it is proven free from all the harmful particles of tobacco.


A barefoot marathoner who loves to cook, loves to travel and chocolate maker. Web content writer and blogger as her hobby. Customer Service Representative by profession and licensed insurance advisor.