New Era with Digital Efforts by Flawless

Last October 19 just a month before it celebrates its 11th anniversary, the country’s preferred clinic for face, body and medical services, Flawless, marks several milestones as it formally launches its new digital face and voice.

Last April 2012, Flawless launched an online magazine on to replace the brand’s monthly newsletter. Aptly named “Flaunt,” the digital publication is intended to be Flawless’ signature online editorial habitat.

“We launched Flaunt mainly to better get our message across an array of audiences,” shares Rubby Sy, CEO of Flawless. “The problem with newsletters is that only a number of people get to read them and they’re forgettable and lack impact. Launching a digital magazine is the wisest way around these challenges. Not only are we now able to send out our messages across a wider market, we also do so using a platform that evokes the kind of lifestyle we promote—fun and dynamic yet sensible.”

Enzo Pineda, October cover of Flaunt Magazine of Flawless

Flawless new website look

  “This is the first time that   we’ll be updating our website since launching it 2 years ago,” shares Flawless’ Business Manager, Drew Donovan-Mendoza. “After 11 successful years in the business, we thought it’s only proper we do something to improve the experience our customers get when they visit our site. It’s a very personal change; kind of like refurbishing your home. You don’t just want to improve the aesthetic aspects of the space, you also want to make it functional and most importantly, you want it to reflect your personality.”

Facebook page of Flawless

One of the biggest innovations that really made a huge impact in the lives of netizens all over the world is the rise of social networking sites. Allowing people to stay connected, share information, play all sorts of games and expand their networks, these portals quickly found a way to fit in the daily lives of people regardless of their social and economic status. Realizing the unlimited potential social networking sites possess in terms of customer engagement, companies were quick to find creative ways to use the medium.

A New Voice
In its efforts to better connect with its target market, Flawless recently revamped the way the brand interacts with the rest of the online community.
One of the biggest innovations that really made a huge impact in the lives of netizens all over the world is the rise of social networking sites. Allowing people to stay connected, share information, play all sorts of games and expand their networks, these portals quickly found a way to fit in the daily lives of people regardless of their social and economic status. Realizing the unlimited potential social networking sites possess in terms of customer engagement, companies were quick to find creative ways to use the medium.
Now more than ever, companies are able to extend their reaches. As time goes by, companies are getting cleverer in terms of building their brand’s reputation online. It’s a very tricky process because one wrong move can break you. However, if done properly, the rewards are well worth it,” shares Pat Mendoza, Marketing Manager of Flawless.

Known for introducing ground-breaking aesthetic concepts to Filipinos, Flawless makes another first as it revamps the brand’s communication tone in an effort to “speak the language” of its market.

flawless products

The good thing about FLAWLESS, you can have a 5 minutes free consultation for the doctors in all of their branches. With their products in line with Oil Control, Age Defying and Acne Control in reasonable first. Visit their branches now.

For more details about Flawless products and services, dial 584-6807

7 thoughts on “New Era with Digital Efforts by Flawless

  1. Pink is a standout color and for me, a good choice for Flawless. Tapping the power of social media to further reach more people is also a good move.

    I love the simplicity of the website and the aesthetic aspects of the product packaging 🙂

  2. Having the idea to promote their products through social media is a good way of targeting consumers/buyers. Because most of the time people are online nowadays.

  3. I think I’ve heard about Flawless before back when I was still living in the Philippines but I wasn’t aware that they have an online beauty magazine. Will check it out to learn more about them. Thanks for sharing!

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