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What to Rent If You Are Planning an Outdoor Event

If this is the first time you are planning a special event, there are a few things that you can rent. Take for example, if you are planning to host an event in a garden, you will need to rent the garden space, a tent or a few tents depending on the size of the event. If you are holding an event in San Francisco, there are many event rentals sf providing rental services.

Renting tents is a must if it is to be an outdoor event. It doesn’t matter if the weather forecast shows clear skies because we will never know when the weather will start acting up. As a host, you wouldn’t want your guests getting wet if the sky suddenly turns dark and pours down rain. Make sure that the rental company provides and fixes gutters, pole covers, etc. Even if the weather is good, having tents and fans will provide the necessary shelter and comfort for your guest if the weather gets too warm.

Whenever an event is held, there will be invited guests or participants attending. Events where food is served to the guests, you cannot do away with table rentals. You will have to provide a place for your guests to sit and eat their food. There are various types of tables to choose from e.g. long table, round table, etc. Most rental companies provide table linens suitable for the types of tables rented.

Check out the various types of tables and chairs for rent, depending on the type of event you are planning. The number of tables and chairs to rent should include the host and family, musicians or entertainers, those at the welcome area where guests sign the guest book and food display, etc. You wouldn’t want anyone left without a seat and if such things happened, it would reflect badly on the host.

You might also want to consider renting some lounge furniture such as couches, comfortable chairs with pillows for your elderly guests to rest before the event starts or during the intervals. If the event includes food, then you will have to rent the necessary items for the guests to enjoy their food. Items should include table linens, dinnerware, serving dishes, forks, spoons, plates, glasses, etc.

For outdoor events, make sure that there is power supply for the running of the event. You might even need to rent a generator to power the sound system, fans, etc. Last but not least, you will need to rent enough of portable restrooms for your guests if none is provided for the garden event.


A barefoot marathoner who loves to cook, loves to travel and chocolate maker. Web content writer and blogger as her hobby. Customer Service Representative by profession and licensed insurance advisor.