Why Representative Teodorico “Nonong” Haresco?


I don’t usually comment or post about politics because people in our country have their own version and whatever they want to say; they say it in social media.

I’m not against it but make sure before you vote for the people in your area and be a representative make sure you know their background or had an outstanding performance serving the people.

I’ve met Representative Teodorico “Nonong” Haresco, Jr, a product of De La Salle College, Manila – BA Economics and BA Accounting in 1973 – earned his Master’s degree in International Economics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, in 1978. He returned to the Philippines and brought his cosmopolitan background in devising a broad-minded approach in proposing solutions to Philippine issues.

Challenged to solve market connectivity issues in rural areas due to the vast networks of waterways that characterize the nation’s large arable tracts of land, Representative Teodorico “Nonong” Haresco not only came up with the blueprint of but, more importantly, realized the President’s Bridge Program (PBP).

The groundbreaking ideas behind the PBP have not only received international attention but have been so useful and replicable these have been used to set up similar programs in such countries as Cambodia, Siberia, and Sri Lanka.

In the field of personal business, 6Representative Teodorico “Nonong” Haresco has expanded his mother’s law firm and established his own Winace Holdings Philippines.

His brainchild, WHP, is currently flagship and mother company of several subsidiaries that service the globe.

WHP is actively involved in the acquisition, holding, and sale of stocks, bonds, and securities of other companies for investment purposes.  Through its partners and subsidiaries, WHP has been helping the Philippine economy generate revenues and bolster employment.

WHP brings significant investment power to bear, beginning with an authorized capital stock of one hundred million pesos(Php100, 000,000.00) and over 30 years of combined experience and business leadership.

Its business ventures include real estate development, ecotourism, business process outsourcing, food and beverage,trading, and security and risk management.

WHP is the Philippine and Asia Pacific partner of foreign companies in the infrastructure, steel manufacturing, ship building and real estate industries.

Through business development and integration agreements, WINACE partners with Matiere, Eiffel, Willard/Stanley &Associates, Woodfields Consultants, Inc., Raining Pesos, Inc., Epicor, andValdo Global Services.

On top of these, Representative Teodorico “Nonong” Haresco has also exported Philippine handicrafts to Switzerland and dabbled into aquaculture.

Yet, despite Representative Teodorico “Nonong” Haresco’s diverse talents and interests, his efforts have focused primarily on his family life. Heis happily married and a father of four.

Not only has he been as leading contributor to Philippine development, but also a philanthropist. Representative Haresco has put up a nationwide scholarship fund for the children of slain journalists which, since 2007, has put 34 talented young scholars through school.

Aside from all these achievements, did you know that Representative Haresco has authored 29 House Bills and 4 House Resolutions as well as co-authored 23 House Bills and 8 House Resolutions.