
Taste of Life, Experiences and Reviews


TBR Batch 2013 First Bull Session

Excited for our upcoming 1st Bull Session. See you all TBR Dreamers 2013 on October 13, 2012 at Track 30th, Bonifacio Global City!


  • Please come on time.
  • Bull Sessions are free and open to the public.
  • We will be giving out TBR DM Official Race shirts to TBR DM 2013 Participants.
  • Gatorade will be providing hydration but runners must bring your own bottles or hydration belts. We encourage waste free hydration for our Bull Sessions.  (We’ll have cups during race day.)

For a complete Calendar of Activities for TBR Dream Marathon 2013, please click HERE.

* From TBR Dream website  🙂


A barefoot marathoner who loves to cook, loves to travel and chocolate maker. Web content writer and blogger as her hobby. Customer Service Representative by profession and licensed insurance advisor.