
Taste of Life, Experiences and Reviews


5 Better Ways to Save Money this New Normal

Since the pandemic started; a lot of us think of ways how to survive especially since some lost their jobs, had no stable income, and even some businesses closed. Have you tried to think of ideas on how you will save some money despite this pandemic?

People need to have awareness of the importance of saving money like what financial advocates do. Here are the 5 better ways to save money this new normal.

1. To be prepared in case of emergencies

Accidents happen anytime and we don’t want that to happen. Same with our unexpected expenses; medical issue, loss of job, etc. In the end, you might be in debt already. So better was to have our emergency fund ready.

2. Reach our personal and personal milestone

We can achieve our personal and/or personal milestones by saving money. Whatever amount it is, we can save it because at the end, when you count it all. It will be a big amount. You can invest it for a new house, new car, investment, or insurance for you and your family.


And what Ms. Izza Glino ( said, even an amount of Php500.00 is already a good start to save money. If you have extra money to put into your savings, that’s better.

At the event, they advise that Cebuana Lhuiller’s Micro Savings account offers a competitive interest of 0.20% which is higher than other savings account can provide. And because there are zero to minimal fees whenever you do your transaction, your money will keep on growing.

3. To reach financial independence

To reach total financial independence is for you not to worry about what tomorrow will bring in terms of your finances and this can only be achieved if you take care of your money. Be wise to spend your money.

4. To not pass up an opportunity

Your savings can be your starting capital; the same as you want to open up a new restaurant or aiming to purchase a house and lot or your dream car. All of these can cost you money.

5. Don’t stop even if you have money already

Why I added this? Because people not really contented on what they have; as soon as they have money – they will but things what they want. They’re not stable on what they have now. So don’t stop right away if you’re financially stable. Better to have savings than nothing.

I’m thankful for the opportunity that Cebuana Lhuillier Micro Savings shared to us. You can open an account now for only Php 50.00 and works like a normal savings account wherein you can deposit and withdraw anywhere at your most convenient time to their 2,500 branches nationwide.

What’s good is that your Cebuana Lhuillier Micro Savings account is already accredited to almost 21,000+ Bancnet ATMs nationwide for easy withdrawal and you can even use your Micro Savings to pay at any of 350,000 Unionpay and Bancnet accredited retail stores nationwide.


A barefoot marathoner who loves to cook, loves to travel and chocolate maker. Web content writer and blogger as her hobby. Customer Service Representative by profession and licensed insurance advisor.

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