Tree Top Adventure at the Wrangler VIP Card Relaunch

Wrangler VIP Card Re_-Launch

Wrangler is relaunching their VIP card and their products are in display today at the New Glorietta Activity Center.


New clothes / dresses and collections are also here so better drop by now. Some tie-up brands are here like Tree Top Adventure, ACE Water Spa, Mrs. Fields, Uncle Cheffy and many more.

Tree Top Adventure at Wrangler Event

Sam YG for Treetop

Tree Top Adventure booth is also here; their giving away Gift Certificates – all you have to do is post a selfie beside the TTA booth with the hashtags  ‪#‎SamYGTreeTop‬‪#‎WranglerVIPCard‬ ‪#‎TreeTopPh‬ and upload it to your Instagram account. GC’s will be yours instantly!

Wrangler Event

Wrangler event will be available starting today – April 23 to April 26 at the New Glorietta Activity Center.