5 Ways How To Save Your Money

Where is your money go?

List your expenses


5 Ways How To Save Your MONEY

Is it sufficient?
– Social Security System
– philhealth
– Pag-ibig Fund






– sickness / death
– Maternity
– Retirement
– Loans

What rate of return does the fund have to make to pay the pension?
– pension benefits (range of compensation)

Retirement Concerns
– housing (own, rent or live with children or in-laws, maintenance)
– Daily expenses (food, clothing, transport, entertainment)
– Health care
– Funeral expenses

Who pays?
– self-funded
– Children + In-laws

– check-ups
– Maintenance meds
– Hospitalizations


Coach Aya Laraya

Room costs
– St. Lukes BGC – 1k to 51k / day
– De Los Santos – 850 – 2500 / day

Pays: Philhealth, self and family

– wake
– Cremation

Inflation? Increase price of products / costs