
Taste of Life, Experiences and Reviews

A Date To Remember; Weekend Gateaway With My Bloggers Friends and Family

bloggers for a cause

Another unforgettable weekend gate away that I will always remember back few weeks ago when I visited the less fortunate children in one barangay in Tanay, Rizal.

It was a rainy Saturday morning when my husband decided to joined me in my visit to the said place. I was overwhelm with his kindness and he volunteer.

The value of family is always there. Sharing our blessings in our own little way might be a big deal for the children who are need.

I can see to their eyes how they are thankful and excited to have us.

We also shared story-telling to the pre-preschoolers and games to elementary pupils.

The children whom we share our blessings, mingle and taught the value of education. Photo Credit: Weng Iguis
The children whom we shared our blessings, mingle and taught the value of education.
Photo Credit: Weng Iguis


The things I bought to the children

Our lunch (with my husband) along Morong, Rizal on our way back to Manila.


A barefoot marathoner who loves to cook, loves to travel and chocolate maker. Web content writer and blogger as her hobby. Customer Service Representative by profession and licensed insurance advisor.