“Love Sees Beyond Differences”: An Adoption Advocacy Campaign In Our Country
The first ever Filipino written and illustrated eBooks about adoption launched last Friday with the partnership of Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) and McCann Philippines. It is part of the Adoption Advocacy Campaign entitled,”Love Sees Beyond Differences” held at Fully Booked Boni High Street, Bonifacio Global City.

The campaign launched last November 2012 with the partnership of Inter-Country Adoption Board and McCann Philippines; they worked together and find solutions to encourage more Filipino families to openly declare their love for their adoptive children and help erase the stigma of adoption.
They introduced seven (7) eBooks to the adoptive families and adoptive children through a series of storytelling sessions. These stories are the first-ever written and illustrated stories for Filipino adoptive families who faced with the challenge of introducing the idea of adoption to their adoptive children.

“Legal adoptions as we know provides for abandon, neglected and homeless Filipino children to have loving families who will care for and nurture them”, said Assistant Secretary Ted Romo Jr. of Department of Social Welfare & Development (DSWD).
He added, “We commend this initiative to strengthen advocacy of legal adoptions at the same time encouraging adoptive families to be open to their adoptive children.”

Ms Nanette Santos narrated the story about “Juju, Looloo & Baby Wuwu.”
Second story narrated by the beauty queen Ms. Miriam Quiambao entitled “Mummy and Hunny Bunny“
“So I looked and I looked where my heart was once true. I looked and looked and on that one day, There I Found You.“
“When you came to be. The first thing I did was whisper to you. Hello there child, My Darling Hunny Bunny, I Love You.” Some of the lines in “Mummy and Hunny Bunny”.
Ms. Janet Villa interact the children while reading the “Baby Circle“
“The family of squares felt a love that Untwirled. For the most special baby who reshaped their world. A nice warm heart three squares can make. But it was special baby circle who taught them to embrace.” – lines from “Baby Circle”

Ms. Lisa Moran share the benefit on “Adoption Telling“. She advised the parents to answer whatever the child ask and not refuse to answer. Children have the right and deserves to know what is going on.

Mr. Ardy Roberto tell his story about his experience in adoption. He adopted Joshua when he is 6 months old. Now a proud adoptive father of a 5 years old boy.
He once told the crowd that “If you want to tell your child if he is adopted, always remember the word L.O.V.E.” Mr. Roberto said.
L – Lightness (always talk in a light manner) O – (Open Heart and Open Mind) V– voice (gentle voice) and E – Eyes (to have a sincere eyes when you are looking to your child.
I’m listening to the conversion of Mr. Roberto and his son Joshua. I’m happy and touched in what they shown in front. Joshua is blessed to have a family that is very supportive and have a good heart.
Teacher Mariel narrated the story of “Room Full of Gifts“
“Destiny’s Delivery” is the story #5 by Ms. Georgina Angsato.

The Flipside Publishing Services Inc. will be publishing the 7 books online.
“Flipside Publishing strongly believes in sending out a very strong and positive message about adoption. Through storytelling, we know we can get the conversation going between parents and adoptive children.” Ms. Honey de Peralta said.
“Case of the Missing Smile” naratted by Mr. Mike Tripp
Ms. Bituin Callanta shared the last story entitled “Juana Bee“.

17 years as Guidance Counselor, Mr. John Remwil Valeria from Don Bosco Technical School seen how storytelling has helped shapes values from their young children in their school.
“For adoptive families, storytelling is an even more important tool for the adoptive parents to slowly help their adopted children understand their roots and early beginnings. It is a tough challenge for adoptive parents but the results are beautiful as it builds strong family relationships based on trust, honest and openness.” – says Mr. Valeria.
I’m thankful for the people behind this advocacy who are there to help the adopted children – to have their own family. It has a positive impact not only on the company or organization who help the children who are in need but on their personal lives as well.
In this modern times, adoption is a primary vehicle serving the needs of homeless, neglected, abused and runaway children. Let’s help in our own little way and allow love to see beyond differences.
To the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) and McCann Philippines, congratulations for the support. I hope many people continue to help this kind of advocacy.
To download for the free eBooks; please view their website at www.iloveyouanak.com.
If you are interested in adoption: please visit:
Department of Social Welfare and Development
This is a nice initiative as adoption really helps both parents and orphaned kids in the process.
Legal adoption allows responsible human beings to make a positive difference in a child’s life. Kudos to this initiative.
Good to know that there are now available materials that gives a better picture about how adoption in the Philippines be treated by both parents and adopted kid.
I heard that adoption process is quite hard here in our country..I hope through this advocacy, adoption process would be easier so that more people will be encourage to adopt..
by the way, I am also open to adoption.. yes even though I already have 4 kids, I still want to adopt given the chance.
This is a great campaign. If only I’m earning that much. I really want to adopt a child even if I’m still single. 🙂
Hi Dianne! 🙂 Still remember me?
the last time we met I think was on Llendo’s event? anyway, nice post, good to see that you’re also into blogging for a cause. 🙂 Keep it up!
Hello, Yes I remember you 🙂 Long time no see. Your so busy for sure 😉
this is a nice advocacy to soften the stigma of adoption here in the Philippines. kudos to everyone involve.
This is the first time I heard about this. Indeed a great advocacy! 🙂
kudos to the effort of the person who started this kind of advocacy…
Looks like it was a fun event for both parents and kids. I miss hearing stories from my mom! Lol This remind me of the good old days!
Parang gusto ko tuloy bumalik ule sa pagkabata. This is fantastic advocacy!
I’m so proud of our agency, which had a part to play in this cause 🙂 It’s beautiful and heart-warming!
I am very happy that there are sill couples who have a big, big heart to welcome a a new child in their family. =)